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1 H70 £
2 H140 £
3 H250 £
6 H400 £
12 H500 £
24 H900 £
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AvailabilityIncall, Outcall
Skin ColorMiddle EastHair ColorBlackHair lengthShortBust sizeLarge(C)Height5,6ft (171cm)BuildRegularLooksSexyOrientationStraight
Languages spoken

Contact info

Country United Kingdom
City London
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About me

Male, 40 years old from London En34bf, United Kingdom
I was born in a hot  desert environment
 In the Middle East.
 That's why I had a strong body .
 That's why I adore sex to the point of madness
 I can have sex every day and I can have sex for several hours

Including two hours of continuous non-stop without any sexual stimulant or Viagra.
Practicing sex every day is important to me
I don't work as male escort for a money only
Money is not every thing for me.
 I'm more interested in enjoying sex me and my client in bed  That's why you ask for a small amount of money.

 I gave the customer the agreed time between us so no rush and not finish quickly.
 I am very clean and take care of my physical cleanliness very well. Cleanliness is a very important thing for me  I never ever had or have sex without condom.

 My body contains thick black hair which helps me and  my clients increase orgasm when they touch my body I have big thick Lovely dick

I'm an open minded person and  friendly & fun
I respect all people regardless of their color or race. Or there religion life belongs to all human beings.

Welcome to my flat with a full secret and Privacy i live alone
 My flat is very safe and secur
Because of the neighborhood and the street aremonitoredby CCTV at all the time
this is save for me and for my clients



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